100 Masters Journal - be inspired


With our 100 Masters continually offering us inspiration here at CBC we have put together a little journal to help get your creative juices flowing in 2019.

Creative Black Country’s 100 Masters project is all about inspiring people to be the best they can at whatever they want to do. Our Masters span a whole host of backgrounds and ages. They do different jobs, have a range of diverse skills and have dedicated their lives to being great at something.

Be inspired by artist Laura Howell and make your own comic strip…

Be inspired by artist Laura Howell and make your own comic strip…

The Journal highlights just a few of our Masters to give you some inspiration, fun tasks and ideas, leaving you to scribble, colour-in, make a mess and be creative.

Put together the best imaginary party list inspired by prickly pals Joan and Stan.

Put together the best imaginary party list inspired by prickly pals Joan and Stan.

There are no rules when it comes to using this journal but we’d love you to use it to experiment and play.  Don’t worry about the outcome; it doesn’t have to be great, but hopefully it will inspire you. Just pop stuff on the page.

Draw a portrait of your favourite person…

Draw a portrait of your favourite person…

Above all – just give it a go!

Throughout 2019 we’ll be bringing our journals to all our events so you can take one home with you to have a go. Keep an eye out for events coming up.

Illustrations by Dan Griffin-Hayes, concept and design by Kerry O’Coy.