Open Access awards round 2: MotherShip

Images courtesy of MotherShip

Images courtesy of MotherShip

About the project:
MotherShip seek to connect communities through culture and creativity, particularly working with newly arrived mothers and their children. Their project MARKit builds on our creative befriending project PLAYgroup, to build our participants’ creative skills in a more commercial context, designing and making saleable products.

The group consists of newly arrived mums and their children and local ‘befriender’ mums and theirs. “We have been working with all participants for some time through our creative befriending project PLAYgroup, providing them and their children with high quality arts experiences and enabling them to build relationships with one another.”

What MotherShip will do with their award

Working with an experienced textiles artist and shadow artist the group will explore different printing techniques and product ideas using these to create their own prototype products for this pilot project. They will also have a session providing an overview of business styles, looking at employability, different skills and the basics of social enterprise. There are also a number of go and see trips planned to give participants an appreciation of the breadth of visual arts practice, to see Ikon’s Forward at Medicine Gallery and Bakery, Women Power Protest at BMAG, Daphne at New Art Gallery Walsall and Belonging at mac on International Women’s Day.

What participants have said about the project

“For me, yes, [this project is important] it's really good for my personality, and makes me feel more confident too.”

“Relaxed and friendly environment, very professional artist, amazing information, and bright ideas and hope for the future”

- Website:

- Facebook: mothershipprojects

- Instagram: @mothershipprojects