Bostin News: Meet Editorial Assistant Eve Orford

Portrait of Eve Orford by Amy Holland

Portrait of Eve Orford by Amy Holland

Bostin News: Meet Editorial Assistant Eve Orford

Tell us what you do:
I graduated this July from the University of Birmingham with a First in Classical Literature and Civilisation. I am currently working in retail while I try to secure a career in the arts/heritage sector.

Why did you want to be a part of Bostin' News?
As the name suggests I wanted to help publicise some of the wonderful projects that have happened during lockdown. Fortunately, Creative Black Country offered me the opportunity to be an Editorial Assistant for the project.

Why did you choose the people to feature / interview?
Each project was different from the other, demonstrating the variety of activities taking place during the pandemic.

Was there anything surprising about the work?
I learnt a lot from the Fragments project, especially the stark reality of isolating and its effects on mental health.

You can find more about Eve’s work on the Redbrick website:

Here are Eve’s pieces for Bostin News *Please note that this page will be updated as and when new content is added.