Youth Labs - Can you help us shape the future of Wolverhampton?
We want young people from Wolverhampton to help shape and reimagine the High Street of the future.
Can you help design your city through arts, culture and creative ideas?
During 2020 a group of young people got together to discuss ideas about the changes they might like to see in Wolverhampton.
These are the key issues you told us you want to look at...
So we asked… What if... You could make people more aware of environmental issues?
What young people said:
Everyone should learn about plastic pollution
Help raise awareness of environmental issues
Talk about it in schools
It should start with young people so they can feel like they can do something about it
A mass litter pick campaign
Let's get people motivated
We feel more determined if there is a group to help
What if... You could help produce a campaign to raise awareness?
An awareness campaign designed by YP about the environment
How to reach people and get them involved in a litter pick event in their area
Could we work with an 'environmental artist / activist' to help?
How about a 'take your litter home' poster campaign in Green spaces
Could the Dancing Bin Men help
Would a photography project help to highlight the issues
What if... There were more retail shops that target Young People?
What young people said: Their aren't many places that you can shop
What kind of shops are important to you?
What do they do?
Do we really need 'shops' or something else?
What if... You could choose or organise events to go to?
What young people said: Events in Wolverhampton were mainly:
Centered around religious festivals like Easter, Vaisakhi, Xmas. Also there were events like: Pride, Career events, Cosplay events
Young people would usually have to travel to Birmingham for good events
That it would be good to have a YP music festival - somewhere like Newhampton Arts centre, with live performance
What if… you had your own guide or magazine?
Young people told us some of the ways you find out about events:
Events get promoted via family / word of mouth / through school
On social media you mostly use: Instagram / Snapchat
What if... we could improve the city by mixing the traditional with more modern architecture.
Young people said:
We would like to explore more ideas around painted walls to make old buildings look better
What if… we could paste messages or art on walls?
Young people said:
It could be a good way to brighten someone's day
What if… there were more places to hang out?
We showed young people parklet designs and they said:
They looked useful
It was nice to make use of space
Good to have places to sit and hang out
During June we’ll be bringing people together to talk about ideas. We’d love to hear from you so if you are interested in having your say about the ideas above - or if you have more of your own - we’d LOVE to hear from you - GET IN TOUCH!
Email and we’ll keep you updated with dates for our next event.