WALSALL MAKES - Afrikan Fusion

Afrikan Fusion

Musician Millicent Chapanda led a series of workshops with Afrikan Fusion over 6 weeks culminating in live performances.

Participants were able to play authentic traditional instruments and sing songs in different languages. Through the ubiquity of music, common aspects were covered and explored allowing an atmosphere that was conducive to free-flowing conversations, interactions and connections.

The workshops were part of the Walsall Makes Small Grant Commissions to support bringing people together and creating something memorable for residents. Creative Black Country collaborated with One Walsall as part of their Walsall Makes programme. Through this collaboration we were able to make several Small Community Cultural Grants of between £1k to £5k which were available to support brand new community cultural and creative activity in Walsall Borough.

With One Walsall - project managed by CBC.

Images by Dee Patel