Creative Black Country Receives Extended Funding from Arts Council England

Exciting News: Creative Black Country Receives Extended Funding from Arts Council England

We’re thrilled to share that Creative Black Country has secured extension funding from Arts Council England, ensuring our continued impact through 2026!

As we approach our 10th anniversary, we’re reflecting on the incredible stories that have shaped our journey. Over the past decade, we've witnessed how creative and cultural activities have transformed the lives of local communities, individuals, artists, and creatives throughout the Black Country.

Since 2015, our funding via the Creative People and Places programme has been a catalyst for change. This pioneering initiative has empowered community, grassroots, voluntary, and cultural organisations to collaborate and lead in choosing, creating, and participating in cultural activities that resonate with their local areas. By testing new approaches and sharing our learnings, we're helping the program to inspire more communities across the country to develop creative projects that truly matter to them.

This extension aims to provide stability and time to craft future plans for those considering the 2026-29 portfolio. We’re honoured to be among the 38 Creative People and Places programmes benefiting from this additional £11.64 million investment for 2025-26, bringing the total investment in CPP projects to an astonishing £119.6 million since 2012.

This funding allows us to be part of the overall programme that contributes to making a difference in 55 local authority areas, including 32 Arts Council England Priority Places.

A massive thank you to the National Lottery players and public funding through the National Lottery, which makes this vital work possible 🙌

Here’s to more creativity, collaboration, and community-driven projects in the years to come.